has anybody with bad menopause symptoms also had hyperemesis (severe preg sickness?)

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i am just trying to see if there is a connection?

i seem to be reacting strongly to changes to my hormones, as i did when pregnant (both time severe hyperemesis...)

i am only 36 (i have 2 little girls 3&6 years old), recently experiencing irregular cycles with spotting, pelvic pain, back pain, anxiety, dry skin & hair, dry eyes, sleeping bad, ...all sorts of symptoms, you name it.

went to various doctors, no one could find anything so far so i am assuming it's the hormones again!​ never had problems with pms or anything though.

read a few studies on hyperemesis, it was recently found that some got better after taking progesterone. some also think it's an overactive immune system reacting to excess levels of hormones in early pregnancy, especially estrogen. it hasn't really been established what causes hyperemesis...

i have quite a few allergies and there are autoimmune diseases in my family.

i am just curious?

ps: so happy to have found this forum!!writing from germany (so pls excuse my language), but have spent 5 years living & working in London, really missing the UK!

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    Hi Suzanne, I am 48 years old and I am experiencing many many symptoms of Perimenopause.  If you are 36 you can also being staring your perimenopause.   Which I am sure you know is the 10 to 15 years before your period ends.  This has been a very challenging time for me, and it sounds like you are experiencing hormone fluctuations and symptoms of Peri.  Most doctors I have seen really don't give me a definate answer, but this site is a God send.  One of the members of this forum posted 66 symptoms of Peri.  I have experience nausea before my period during PMS that is really terrible.  It does feel like pregnancy nausea, I have two children myself.  If you have any more questions the women on this site are amazing with giving you advice and making you feel that you are not alone.  Take care of yourself and take things slow.  Try to exercise, stay hydrated and reach out when you need to.  You are not alone.  God Bless


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    Hi Susanne

    I have experinced a lot of symptoms right now its just my stomach issue that I am having problems with I had a lot of allergies, colds, tired, not being able to sleep a lot has cut down so glad just pray that my stomach issues will cut down

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    Hi Suzanne, i was very fortunate when i was pregnant with my two kids, only felt a bit queezy, never was sick, now i'm in peri i too feel queezy just after my period, exactly the same feeling as i had when i was pregnant, so it does seem like hormone fluctuation. Keep looking on this site, iy has helped me, there are lots of fantastic women all going through the same thing, stay beautiful xxx
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    Hi Suzanne, lovely to connect with another HG sufferer! Had HG twice - very severe and hospitalised.  Now I am 50 years old and have been suffering from disequilibrium 24/7 along with the feeling of weakness when walking and unsteady, foggy head, unable to concentrate, the need to lay down all of the time, hands and feet rapid temperature change and nausea. Not the usual symptoms hot flashes, night sweats etc. GP sent me to Neurologist as thought I might be having symptoms of a stroke etc. MRI all clear so I am assuming it must be hormonal. I have done heaps of googling on this hoping to find anyone having similar episodes. Also trying to find out if anyone suffering this also suffered Hyperemesis when they were pregnant and unable to take the pill (i.e. highly hormone sensitive). Was hoping that I could find a post from a fellow suffer of Hyperemesis to see how they are transitioning into menopause. Any info would be really appreciated as am going slowly mad!!


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      Hello Glenda,

      I hope you are well.

      I came across your post from 4 years ago, Thank you!! I feel such a sense of relief that somebody else has experienced the menopause that i have. I know that sounds very selfish as its been a living hell.

      My daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild and has HG as I had. I just searched the link as I have discussed the possibility with my husband several times,

      I have had full stroke like symptoms several times, unable to walk, dizziness, foggy head, basically at many times unable to live life as before.

      I am now 52 and its getting easier. Please get in touch if you would like to chat about what seems to be our shared experience.

      kind regards


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      Hi Cath - so nice to see your post. Yes its been a while since I posted and I can say thankfully that I am so much better. I would hope so too being 54 now and having suffered from the terrible peri symptoms since I was around 47. I had 14 months without a period and then got one - then another 11 months without and then another (just a few months ago) so back to counting but believe I am menopausal and it was just my body having the last push of hormones. I found bio-identical progesterone very helpful along with herbal tinctures and acupuncture. I just keep trying different remedies/treatments until I felt better. My daughter has endometriosis (another hormone sensitive condition also helped with progesterone) and I fear she too will suffer from HG. Hopefully there is better treatment by the time she wants to start a family. B6 is helpful with HG also and acupuncture. Are you now in menopause? These forums are just so helpful to us women when we are unable to get help from our GP's.

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      I also had severe HG and was hospitalized several times. I was not able to eat or drink the entire 9 month. I now am going thought bad health problem which I believe likely be related to menopause. I am going through perimenopausal/menopausal now. I am in my early 50s and have been suffering from 24/7 dizziness/lightheadedness/headache/foggy head. in addition, lately, I found out that I have low blood pressure.I went to many doctors including ENT, cardiologist, Endocrinologist, and neurologist. all the test results appeared to be relatively normal. they give me difference diagnosis. I was put on many medications and still has not completely solve the problem. I feel like that I am getting anxious and somewhat depressed. I do not know what else I should do to make the symptoms go away. I also hope to find someone with similar situation to share information.

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      Hi Glenda, I too am experiencing a lot of your symptoms. I suffered severe HG during pregnancy and was hospitalised. I also could never take the pill as they all made me feel sick. Now I am 47 and am almost certain I'm perimenopausal. I've had a few irregular periods, night sweats, brain fog but my digestive problems and nausea are horrendous. I do have a small hiatus hernia and acid reflux but I think that the fluctuation in hormones is exacerbating these problems causing the nausea. My anxiety is through the roof as I am scared that there is something serious wrong. However it's just too much of a conincidence that all these symptoms tie in with perimenopause. I really hope this eases soon.

      Take care, Tracey x

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    Ran across this forum as searching for a link between HG and similar symptoms during menopause. It just registered one day that maybe there's is actually a connection . I am 49 and just reached a full year with no period. Have been on and off for nearly 4 or 5 years. The symptoms have increased during that time. Mainly hot flashes and weight gain for me. Which has been a challenge as I have always maintained a high level of fitness. But I've learned to deal with that even the hot flashes. Sort of an acceptance of a change approaching in my life.  In spite of no longer recognizing myself in the mirror and breaking out in a sweat at dinner, I've considered myself fortunate my most measures. I haven't had horrendous mood swings and many of the other symptoms. However, the past 6 months have been different. Started noticing headaches, heartburn and random nausea. I've NEVER had heartburn. I am never nauseous unless I actually have a stomach bug (also rare) or during the battle of pregnancy. So I found all of this strange. The only other issue during these last few months are severe leg cramps. Almost like growing pains. I take Pilates reformer classes 4 or 5 times a week but feel the cramping  is somehow related to menopause or my auto immune, which I'm convinced is a result of my sickness during pregnancy. It was such a horrible experience. My youngest is 21. But it is still very fresh in my mind. I've always said I have two children and not three because of HG. I seriously thought I was crazy at some points. And so did many around me. Very lonely and depressing time. It is a little known, wretched condition. Kate Middleton has brought more awareness and light on the condition over the last few years. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has considered this. Started thinking that as awful as it was during pregnancy, I can't imagine my body just giving in during menopause. But wouldn't that be a nice break to catch?! 

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      Hi Jana, Will you share a little about the headaches you've been experiencing? I started feeling many of these symtoms and its slowly gotten worse over the last 6 months. The headaches are the worst. They feel like a ton of pressure on the sides and back of my head and seem to be much worse 10 days prior to the date I should get period and do ease after a couple of days of starting a period (should I actually get one) The fact that they ease at this time and its consistantly so, makes me believe it has to be related to hormones. I am in the process of having many tests, including another, more specific MRI, for empty sella syndrome. I am just wondering if your headaches may be similar. Thanks!

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    I was so sick last night.The room was spinning, I was throwing up and now have an upset stomach. My husband asked me what kind of sick it felt like as I am currently out of town. I said I feel pregnant. It's the second time in the last three weeks that this has happened. It reminded me so much of my HG during pregnancy I started to panic. So I googled any link between HG and menopause. I was hoping not to find any link to HG during menopause and then I found this. I am not sure if I feel comforted or scared to death. I just cannot go through this again every month until I am finished. I also have two autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism and vitiligo. I have three adult children and had HG throughout all three pregnancies. Vomiting 15 to 20 times a day, hospitalized at least once for dehydration with each pregnancy. I am 51 years old. For the last 2 months I have had vomiting and nausea just like I did when I was pregnant, headaches, cramping etc.  Please tell me that someone has found something that makes this go away. I am not kidding when I say that pregnancy gave me PTSD. 

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      I had HG and 54 now and had a three hour episode tonight of all what you described. I thought I was dying, much harder to get through than when I was pregnant because it was only nausea. Perimenopause causes so many things at once for me at least and hard to get through each one. I also had nighflushes with the nausea and tummy ache . My mom had no menopause symptoms but I'm going through a lot. This year I skipped a period for the first time since having periods, and didn't get a period for 3 months, the doctor checked my hormone levels and said my periods should stop soon. I felt excellent when I didn't have a period for 3 months so looking forward to this nightmare being gone. If I wasn't so scared of HRT I would have jumped on it a long time ago but I take no medications and only take a baby aspirin seldomly for a headache. I just don't like medicines. I'm half asleep and groggy from the HG episode that has worn me out so I apologize if this comment is all about me . Just trying to give helpful input and thank you for leaving these helpful comments, it does feel better knowing we are not alone.

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      Hi, So relieved to find this forum that helps link nausea and heartburn to perimenopause! I turned 50 in the summer, I'm still having periods but every 3 weeks now and for the past 2 weeks, i have had random nausea, heartburn and just a general lack lustre feeling! I suffered from HG in both of my pregnancies so i know how horrific it can make you feel and i was worse with my daughter than my son - being horrendously ill for the first 5 months, hospitalised twice and then the nausea came back for the last 7 weeks!! No break with that one - and HG is the reason why I also didnt have another baby! The nausea I'm experiencing is exactly how i felt when i was pregnant! It was bad this afternoon but seems to have abated now for a while at least - which im grateful for as i can get on with things but please God, I can't go through 10 years of this! Anyone else feeling like this?

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    I suffered horribly with HG for both my pregnancies to the point where I was medicated and now am living perimenopause hell!! I feel/have all 66+ symptoms and feel highly sensitive to hormone changes. Definitely wondered if the two were connected.

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