how do we know if the ringworm treatment is working??

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Hi, can someone please let me know what are the healing signals of the ringworm? If the treatment it's working, the ringworm is supposed to shrink in size or rather gradually fade away? If somebody who had/has it, I would highly appreciate if someone clarifies me this doubt. Thanks in advance.

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    Have you read this leaflet?  It gives you an idea of time frames.

    Sometimes if you have been given cream & it doesn't work, you might need to take something sytemic.  It explains everything in the leaflet.


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      Hi, thank you so much for the article, it has good information and was useful for me in some aspects, but about the healing process it didn't take my doubts. I know this fungi infection takes a little long to heal, but what I would like to know is if the ringworm patch is supposed to shrink in size as the treatment progress, or any other tips indicating a successful treatment ... Thank you so much!!

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    Hi, in my case the itching and the redness gradually subsided. The circular skin rash did not shrink. Most anti-fungals used in creams interfere with the metabolism of the fungi and do not kill fungi instantly. I remember it took about 2-3 weeks to get rid of the infection.
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      hi, in my case, I have no itching (lucky me). at the beginning it was smaller and I taught it was an eczema or allergy so I tried to treat it with tea tree oil, but it seems to irritate more and turn it reddish, I gave up on the oil and used an eczema cream. The patch continued to expand and formed the ring, so I'm now using a cream with10mg clotrimazol. The size didn't reduce yet, but the colour looks paler, not red, it's brownish and pinkish when it's hotter. Looks like the circles are fading a little and seems like isn't growing anymore, but I wasn't sure if it was supposed to shrink, or if it just stops expanding and slowly vanish into the skin. I'm really worried because I don't want it to spread all over me or anybody else. I did a lot of research on the internet about the ringworm healing process, but I found almost nothing, thank you so much for your help, have a nice day!!

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      I was very interested to see various comments about ringworm.

      My ringworm started 10 months ago and was prescribed various creams until 2 weeks ago. Then I was prescribed oral terminating. Thankfully I have not experienced any of the side effects others on this site have experienced. To date, there has been no improvement in the inflamed area. Getting really fed up with it as it is affecting my life in a negative way.

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      Hi!! Sorry about that you're passing through, i really hope you can get better soon! Even though this isn't anything dangerous, i't still so annoying. My biggest fear was if it would spread to another parts of my body or another people around. This added a huge amount of stress on me. hope wee'll get out of this as soon as possible! ... I'm not a doctor nor a nurse, but I believe mine appeared when my immune system was a little bit down, so now I'm eating better, taking some vitamins and drinking more water to boost my immune system a little more, as this is crucial to heal and recover from anything. I also apply the topical cream several times a day, fortunately I'm getting better.

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      I've been doing the same and no answer anywhere online has your ringworm gone now can you please update?

      I've been using luliconazole cream and my ringworm has just been spreading the first ringworm has become a bit larger in size and has become lesser scalier its been there since 1 and a half month almost ks it healing or getting worse???

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    My neice has ring worms all around her as of this day. I didn't think much of it at first because in my mind it started as red patches and not rings so I started to put Cortizone. I wasn't knowledgeable to know how it started to look like before it starting showing the red rings. Then the school called me and told me she had rings all over her legs and they were ring worms and she had to stay home all weekend. To return on Monday and they will check it and if had gotten somewhat clear by then she will be able to return to school. She also instructed me to use athlete's door cream and/or athlete's foot powder. So I bought both from the dollar store. I have her take a shower twice a day and apply the cream in the morning, buy at night I use the powder. Also I always use gloves. I put her dirty clothes in a separate bag and automatically straight into the laundry room. Anyways, after I applied the cream the first day I noticed her skin started to peel (which is normal) and get a little clear after checking it the next morning. Still there were some rediness and rings in some places but, mostly pinkish in most places. That's how I know it was taking affect on a fast time frame. I have been using it for 2 days now and her skin is peeling even heavier. Which was even more excellent because now it was defiantly less or non contagious within the 2 days of use of the athlete's door cream and powder. She will be okay to return to school on Monday and stay. Within 2 weeks to a month she will be okay and probably ring worm free infected, but those rings will look pail and/or pinkish (not red) in due time. It's like a bruise that takes time to heal up to be unnoticeable, but more or a slower process. You could also try "Apple Cider Vinegar" Well I hope this is helpful. Let me know how it goes or went if you still are having ring worms. Good luck! ??????

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    (This is long but hear me out:)

    This is a great question, somehow I stumbled upon this forum after like my 100th time of googling. I keep asking myself this question out of desperation- because I contracted ringworm 3 to 4 months ago. Similar to someone else thinking it was eczema because the first patch didn’t look like typical ringworm, but then it spread and unfortunately it got in my scalp. So I started over the counter Terbinafine ointment initially after having it for almost 2 months by that point. However, then I had to add oral medication after realizing it was in my scalp- there’s no other way to treat it. This type of infection whoever it is, is SO SLOW to heal in my experience and I’ve gone through constant points of assessing if it’s actually going away. So even with oral meds and ointment I would say it took several weeks to show real improvement, had seen minimal changes week to week. I have a couple spores that are still healing 6 weeks later after treatment, some looked almost all healed by 4 weeks. But even if the rash looks almost gone, good news is it’s likely not contagious (still be careful if it’s visible and peeling in case it could be shedding), but you should keep treating until the spore and remnants are fully gone to be safe.

    I’ve read so much mixed information on whether it’s contagious or not even after starting treatment (saying 48 hrs after you should be fine, other sites saying contagious regardless if it’s a spore) but honestly I just don’t trust the fungus treated or not, it is so invasive.

    As for my scalp I was prescribed oral Terbinafine 250mg daily, it was working great for 3 weeks and then I had an allergic reaction (horrible hives). I had to take a week off and now start Griseofulvin 500mg a day. I still can’t tell it’s state of healing, the spores I can see are fading I seem to have less peeling, but now just started having peeling again in some of the same spots. Could be regression or could be fungal infection being fought? Hard to tell. Shrinking and fading is a good sign and peeling like it’s drying out as well.

    In any case it’s a long treatment and dedicated process and expect to be tackling it for 4 to 8 weeks depending on its severity and point in time you started treating it from contraction- especially scalp infection more like 6 to 12 weeks and then nail fungal infection apparently longer unfortunately, like several months.

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      did you take oral meds for the whole 6-12 weeks until your scalp recovered? also does anyone know if i need oral meds for jock itch if it has spread and affected my hair in that area? my hair follicles still look slightly swollen and reddish although i have been using topical cream for 2 weeks and it no longer itches. thanks in advance

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    1st photo initial start of a newly spread spore 11/5 (actually got worse from there) 2nd photo 12/9 almost healed.

    Keep infected area clean and dry- wash and disinfect any areas it has or does come in contact with. Medicate at least twice a day if ointment. I kept my forearm loosely covered with a long sleeve shirt and washed anything I wore after wearing it in warm water and throughly dried it in dryer (sheets and clothes). It’s tedious but this is what has worked for me.

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    I HOPE THIS CAN HELP! if you wanna give it a try.

    Hi, ive had recurrent ring worms on my body, i dont really get them often, but when i do its usually on the same spot. I have been frustrated for so long because i felt like ive done every remedy i could get my hands in to but nothing is really working, like it really takes a long time for it to heal and its really bothering me, so just a random thought that crossed my mind with doing some research to better understand ring worms, they thrive on moist environment right, and often its recommended to keep the affected area dry and clean on top of your medications, so i was thinking what better way to keep that area clean and dry than to actually blow dry it, i mean what could go wrong, right? so i did just that, and low and behold i think i just discovered the hack to getting rid of ring worms. Now i am not saying this is medically proven, but it worked for me twice already since i tried it. so what i basically do, after cleaning the affected area with soap and water (you can use fungal soap or whatever) and after i do that i wipe it clean then proceed to blow dry it. now its gonna feel this way, when you start to blow dry it, the area becomes very very very itchy, i kid you not. but you have to get through that phase until its gonna hurt because of the heat. when it becomes too much you can stop then repeat, until you feel its enough already you dont actually wanna burn yourself. i actually stop when i dont feel the itching anymore. youre gonna see a difference right after. i swear. when all of that is done i apply anti fungal cream. you will notice later on the area will now have red tiny dots. i do this once a day. and the next day or maybe two days after the affected area will now dry out, like it will slowly turn brown. and now when that happens just continue to apply your antifungal cream. i just repeat the process. usually 3 days and youre good. hope this helps out!!

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