I am 28 and suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension )

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I am 28 and software engineer by profession. I am diagnosed with hypertension and my readings have been always around (150/110, 151/105).

I have consulted 3 doctors and 2 of them put me on daily pills (Revalol 50XL) but the BP was still around 150/95, even after taking pills for 3 straight months. He was going to increase the dosage so I decided to take a second opinion. The 3rd doctor said my earlier blood pressure readings could be wrong (white coat syndrome may be ?) and asked me to get off the pills as our body gets habituated to the pills and you cannot stop taking it. He asked to relax, stay happy and do exercise everyday. So I am not taking medicines as of now and I been working on reducing my weight and changing my lifestyle. 

I have been experiencing awkward sensation in left side of the chest. It cannot be termed as pain but kind of weird feeling and it makes me feel that something is not right. That sensation is not only limited to the chest but I sometimes I get that in left shoulder, left back and in the fingers too. When I was under pills, that sensation disappeared but it is back as soon as I stopped taking pills. So there is a connection. When i get up in the morning, my heartbeats are faster than normal.

Frankly, I don't want to take medicines for life and I am ready to do anything to reduce it naturally. But it seems like my body is not able to reduce the blood pressure to normal levels. cry I feel devastated. I never smoked nor had a drink in my life. I eat healthy food and I don't have a stress in my life.

Is anyone else here experiencing a similar situation and have you had any success in lowering your BP by natural means? cry

A brief history of my BP findings.

in 2012, (when I was 24) I checked by BP for fun on a friend's BP monitor and I remember him telling me that it was high. In 2014, I checked it again in some random shopping mall and I was told it was high but I Ignored. In 2016, I did my routine check up and BP was 160/110, 155/106 and doc asked me to be on medication.

1. I don't smoke or drink.

2. I have done ECG, Cholesterol , diabetes and other tests and everything looks normal.

3. Height: 175 cm (5'8 ft) and weight: 80 Kgs (176.37 lbs). I am slightly overweight.

4. I mostly eat veggies, wheat, glass of a milk, (chicken and fish once a week). Not other meat.

5. I drink tea /coffee (2-3 times a day)

6. I don't exercise ( I have started doing it from 6 monthsand reduced my weight from 83 to 79.5)

7. My daily salt intake is less than 1 teaspoon.

8. My parents do not have high BP. My dad's BP is still 125/80 (he is 59).

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12 Replies

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    To have high bp at your age is unusual but you need to go back to your GP and ask to be referred to the hypertension clinic, they will do more tests to actually find the reason for your high bp, by your figure its possible it isn't white coat syndrome but if it is then they will see that.

    Have you had a 48 hour monitor yet.

    I hope you don't mind me asking do you take any recreational drugs, or any herbal remedies.

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      Hi Alexandria,

      Thanks for replying.

      I don't take any drugs or herbal medicines. I don't know what do you mean when you say 48 hours monitor.

      My doc suggested me to check readings at different time of the day. For ex. After waking up, after breakfast, before sleeping etc.

      I checked my BP 5 times a day for about a Week and it was on higher side in 90% of the readings.

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      My other half was suffering from high bp but to be certain it was not anxiety they fitted him with a machine and he wore it for 48 hours, his was bp so he's been on meds 20 years now and fine, you need to get a proper evaluation to be sure, don't worry about it though as that can of course raise it, ask for a gym federal as well because exercise will bring it down, a teaspoon of salt sounds a lot seeing as you are only allowed 6 grams and most of that's in your food already, do you stay well hydrated

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      Well, I am going to check this with my doctor. In meanwhile, I am trying to do following things like - Taking a proper sleep (8 hours) and 20-30 mins exercise everyday.

      I don't stay well hydrated. Now that you have pointed out, I am trying to make a point to drink sufficient water everyday. Thanks !

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    sangy27.. BP meds that end in lol are beta blockers.. who ever gave you advice to stop taking the pills without weaning you off these meds, should be repremanded.. most likely that is why you are having problems.. you are having reprucussions..  Most people need more than one classification of bp med to get your pressure under control..
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      Hi Ann,

      Thanks for replying. I am going to meet a cardiologist this week and see what he suggests. I am hoping that he will be able to help me out with the right path.

      I spent few hours reading about beta blockers but it seems like they have some side effect in the longer run.

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    Sounds like we are in the same situation. i started taking meds at 27-28yrs old although it was mild. 20 years later im still taking them. my average on medicine still is high at about 145/150 everyday throughout, i dont know whats wrong either. some of it is stress/anxiety even though i didnt think so. im seeing the doctor again to run more tests. the last tests all came back good and normal. white coat means stressed or the fact that your at the doctor office. 

    doctor could recommend anti depressants for anxiety if he though that was a probable cause. other things could be stress, weight (not so much for you). i had to really stop caffeine (so much) and energy drinks, salt intake and even sugar which mostly whole grain items which turn into sugar. meditation or breathing exercises helps calm me down, you can try that. i downloaded an app for exercises. they all say we need to exercise a little more, maybe even walking. my job is sitting so that dont help.

    its just something to keep talking to your doctor. i keep a journal for bp. morning after i wake up and evening about 12 hours later. 

    i take 2 pills now for bp and one just for pulse which is ok avg. 74-80.

    also to answer about the pains in chest and arms, youre not alone there either.

    i have them most of the day, they cant really be explained to me. it comes and goes, sometimes i feel these electrical shocks that are quick, feels weird. just a side effect i assume. i tend to follow up with doc more on this and read up what can we do to relieve it. 

    i bought some cardiovascular pills from the vitamin shop today, hawthorn berry extract on recommendations. i know there is other like COQ-10 and others. i downloaded some audio books for bedtime so i don't have to always have my mind racing and breathing or meditation in the evening helps, showers late too.

    i even had to get Melatonin to help sleep, over the counter, it helps some.

    you are definetly not alone here, its a good place to learn something from other people but i still talk to my doctor and do my own research and just to to be happier, stress free and work on the diet and exercise as expected.

    hope you can figure it out and get better as do I. 

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      Hi, Jessemol5!

      Thanks for sharing insights about your journey so far.

      Yes, I am still willing to take a medical treatment and that's why I am going to meet a cardiologist this weekend. I understand that Ignorance is not going to help me.

      Btw, as you said you have been taking medicines from past 20 years.

      1. What were the symptoms you experienced when you were 28 and how did you find out that you are hypertensive ? 

      2. Did you increase or reduce the dosage during last 20 years?

      3. Is it possible to get off the meds if your BP comes to normal levels?


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      Thanks yeah.

      1. I was just getting out of the military in about a year prior I had headaches all the time and sometimes lightheaded or dizziness so when I got checked regularly for 3-4 months they diagnosed high blood pressure.

      2. At that time it wasn't really high so they gave me the minimum 5 mg zestril and that was for probably 3 to 4 years and they went up to 10 mg. Not sure when they changed it to 20 mg of Lisinopril but I know it's been close to 10 years. About 3 to 4 years ago my Pulse was rapid all the time and they prescribe me something for just my heart rate to lower it because I was averaging between 100/110 which is real fast now it's 75/80 normal.

      3. I heard it is possible to get off the BP meds. I was able to get off cholesterol meds by eating right and a little healthier but he wanted me to continue and continue to lose weight, diet, exercise and cut back on alcohol and caffeine and everything else to get off the BP but I could never be so strict on myself. As I got older, I guess BP gets worse and overall health gets worse but now my mental side is coming into play, anxiety, stress and who knows what other thoughts race. Work, family issues, so many other things which can interfere with your meds. that's why I have taken to meditation, breathing exercises, reading, less alcohol which was easy , less caffeine not too bad, a little healthier eating which I feel better but still have much work to do.with exercise and keeping up with all of it.

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    Hi, sangy27

    I am 30 years old and also a software engineer. I am suffering from the same problems of yours. I consult with doctor, went through some tests and results were ok. But still facing the problems including high BP though taking medicine of BP.

    Can you please tell me what's your physical situation now???


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    Its weird how everything is showing normal. Your heart rate is pretty high, its not normal to have a heart rate that high unless anxious. I do not think you take enough caffeine for the heart rate to be effected that much. Perhaps you might need to monitor what you do before the heart rate goes up.

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    My blood pressure was 180/75, my heart was jumping out of my chest, I suffered from a terrible headache. I bought pills at the pharmacy, I didn't go to the doctors, I kept thinking that it would feel better. Didn 't feel any better… As a result, after another attack, I could not stand it and visited an expert. He prescribed Cardiform herbal capsules. It became much better after 1 course (3 month)

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