Lydia Smith

Lydia Smith

Senior feature writer


Lydia Smith is an award-winning journalist and feature writer who has written extensively on women's health and mental health. She is currently studying for an MSc in psychology.
She had worked for national newspapers and magazines, including the Lancet, Guardian, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Happiful, New Statesman, Stylist, NetDoctor, Refinery29, Vice and others.

Lydia's web presence

Recent articles

Can the MIND diet help keep our brains healthy?

Can the MIND diet help keep our brains healthy? Feature

What you eat can help keep your body and brain healthy. And whilst getting older is the biggest risk factor for dementia, research suggests up to 1 in 3 cases may be …

How to spot bedbugs and get rid of them

How to spot bedbugs and get rid of them Feature

An infestation of bedbugs in France has led to concerns that the insects will find their way to the UK. Unfortunately, bedbugs are pretty common - but there are steps …

What are the symptoms of the COVID-19 variant Pirola?

What are the symptoms of the COVID-19 variant Pirola? Feature

Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise, fuelled by the spread of a new variant called Pirola. But how can you tell if you have the virus - and should you isolate yourself? …

When to take a mental health day at work - and how to talk to your boss

When to take a mental health day at work - and how to talk to your boss Feature

When life gets too much, taking a break from work can give you time to rest, recouperate and put things into perspective. But it can feel difficult to take a day off …

What is the TLC diet and can it improve your heart health?

What is the TLC diet and can it improve your heart health? Feature

According to the British Heart Foundation, around half of adults in the UK are living with cholesterol levels that are higher than they should be, which is putting …
