Not sure if I may have Lymphoma?

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I am a 21 year old male, a few months ago I noticed what I thought was an enlarged lymph node on the left side of my neck right under my jaw, it is painless and doesn't move much. When I brought this up to my nurse practitioners attention she checked to see if there were any other swollen lymph nodes that could be felt or seen but it was just the one so she requested I go and get a cbc and ultrasound done. The blood tests came back normal and when it was time for my ultrasound appointment I did notice another swollen node in the same area but on the right side of my neck but nowhere near as big as the left so the technician recorded both sides, after looking at the ultra sound it was determined I had a swollen submandibular gland and I was told I shouldn't worry about it and the swelling should go down. The swelling hasn't gone down though and I'm worried it could be something serious like lymphoma. The only symptoms I have had are occasional body aches and slight fatigue that I had brought up to my nurse practitioner originally but she said it was probably a cold since I never got a fever, and just recently I've had some itching so I am not sure what could be causing these symptoms as they seem to come and go. Could this be something serious and should I talk to my doctor about this or am I just thinking about this too much? Sorry for the long post but some advice or feedback would be appreciated.

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