Pvd (posterior vitreous detachment)

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Interested in hearing peoples symptoms and experiances with this. I had pvd of the left eye and sure enough 6 months later,right eye. Having problems dealing with it. When both eyes are affected,hard not to think of it 24/7. Would like to hear others stories. Thanks.

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    Pvds are quite common as a person gets older,funny no one has replied.
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      Hi there Lee

      I just started this in my right eye last week.  For a couple of weeks prior, I had  black dots that just appeared in the outer top. Especially if I was looking up into the sky.

      Then last Friday I started with a cobbweb that moved over and about. I also got light flashes in the lower outer vision. Scared the crap out of me. I was able to get in to my eye doctor, and had all kinds of tests, She finally said to me thaqt she could see the webb, and that is a good thing. She explained what was going out as I was freaked out. I also have a small cararact in that eye.

      The sperking has settled a little bit just occasional.  

      The webbing is still there.   

      One other thing I get is like I am looking through a smudge on my glasses, and am always checking my glasses to see if there is a mark on them. It just looks like a haze in my centre vision.

      If the cataract is very tiny, I really do not think it is that.

      I have to go back for a recheck in about 2 weeks.

      Did you experience this filmy thing over your eye?

      I to am surprised that you did not get any response.

      Man, aging sucks !!!

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      I have this in both eyes and it started about six weeks ago. I have flashes continuously in both eyes, even when i close my eyes. They are more noticeable in certain lighting and if I'm focusing on something, but are always there if I look for them. I have floaters, which come and go and, as you say, get worse when looking directly at light. I also have a big, sort of curved black line that I describe as a crack down the centre of one of my eyes. I am getting used to this now, but it was particularly awful when all this first started. I don't always notice it now as the brain adjusts to these things. I also got blepharitis and dry eyes at exactly the same time, although apparently not related.

      I'm only 29 so a bit younger than usual for this sort of thing. The worst thing, for me, is the anxiety that it has brought on. I worry a lot that it might lead to retinal tears and detachment as this sometimes happens.

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      Yes,i guess some floaters can almost be like gauzy or filmy,get it off and on all the time,that i hate,also have dry eye that can caus blurry,filmy vision. 2 at once,what a treat. Its awful at times.
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      Hi there Cara,

      i amsorry to hear you are going through this a sucha young age. Did the doctor explain why this is happening to you. I was told it was age related

      Also that both eyes are affected. Did both eyes start at the same time?

      I was told that the other eye will do the same thing, Just not planning it soon.......

      I too suffer from health anxiety so this has been a bit much to deal with


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      I have a connective tissue disorder which affects my eyes so this is why this has happened at a young age for me. Yes, both of my eyes started at the same time so once it's finsihed doing its thing, I'll have it out of the way at leat. It's very stressful living with this, I am on edge most of the time worried that it will lead to retinal tears or detachment. I'm too worried to exercise, which usually helps with my anxiety, just incase it causes any problems. I have an appointment at the eye hospital at the beginning of June, which seems ages away. Hopefully it will all go ok. I hope all goes well for you too x

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      My right eye started a week ago, so this is pretty new to me. I was able to get in to my eye doctor last Saturday., and my follow up is June 6/17. She just said if I get alot more floaters or a curtain affect to call her.

      I have read that retinal tear ot detachment is possible but does not help very often. 

      My flashes started last thursday, but noticed the floaters a couple of week prior.

      The flashes seemed to last about 3 day, and then I never noticed them until yesterday and today I have slight flashing.

      What bugs me the most is the movement of things passing over my eye. Some are black and some are more opaque. Feels like my eye is guppy

      So frustrating......

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      If you have had this for 6 weeks, and your recheck is not until the beginning of June, that kinda tells me they are confident it is doing more. Think about that.

      I know it is scarey. I have so many other crazy health issues from anxiety. Just adds to the mess

      Are you in the states? 

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      It's very frustrating isn't it. I have got used to it all a bit more now, since it started about 6 weeks ago. I think everyone experiences it slightly differently, so some have more flashes/floaters etc than others. I have not (yet) experienced the cobweb effect, which I think is quite common. However, the flashes for me are quite persistent and annoying. I have what appears to me to be a crack in my visual field in the right eye but I don't see this as much as I did in the first week or so. My brain has adjusted to it apparently, but it's always there if I look for it and I always notice it when I'm trying to focus on something like reading, which is annoying. I also have a fair few floaters, which come and go. The worst of my symptoms are in the right eye, so I guess this one is further along than the other maybe.

      ?I have read that statistically, most retinal detachments resulting from a PVD will happen in the first 6 weeks and that it's very rare for that to happen after three months. It's more likely though if you have things like lattice degeneration, which I do. I also have a hole in my left retina, which was discovered seven years ago and has not been treated. My dad has also had a retinal detachment, which makes me worry more. I'm just trying to be extra cautious until this PVD thing has completed in both eyes and then hopefully life can go back to normal!

      ?Your brain will adjust to the annoying symptoms over the next few weeks and hopefully you will see this stuff much less then.

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      Yup,the floaters are still there,in fact in the past 6 months i have new ones,there is still some tugging,both eyes,my doc said sometimes they dont fully detached.
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      I'm in the UK. I had to wait to get an appointment at a specialist eye hospital so that's why it's taking a little while. Last time I had it checked was 6 weeks ago, but I have not had a worsening of symptoms so there's been no urgent need to go to the emergency department. I think it will put my mind at rest to have somebody look and (hopefully) tell me there's no retinal tears. Anxiety is the worst isn't it because it amplifies everything x

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      Yes anxiety does Cara.

      Gosh, i guess I am lucky, When I called my eye doctor, it was a saturday, and they told me to come in with in the hour.

      What's weird is that a week prior to this, I had gone through a full eye appointment which was my annual.

      By the way, I am in Canada

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      Services are very stretched here, these days. If I experienced sudden changes in symptoms, I could go through the emergency department at the hospital and get my eyes checked the same day (but I'd probably have to wait about 4 hours or more). Otherwise, it's a long old wait to get an appointment. I had to go on a waiting list just to be given an appointment at the specialist eye hospital.

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      It went OK, thanks for asking. They said that they won't laser the holes in my retina and advised me not to have preventative cryotherapy. I have another appointment in a year's time for a checkup. However, they did say the vitreous was no longer detaching but since then I have developed loads of massive floaters in my right eye which are obstructing my vision. It's never ending fun with eye problems!

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      I too had the black line which showed up when I moved my eye quickly - I was also told I had a pvd.  The doctors were not interested when I tried to explain this. It did feel like the pvd was not complete - so a year on I had a retinal tear in the same eye which was lasered. I have stringy floater which I am use to now but the black line has now gone. I use to get some arcing whic too had gone. Just great to hear from other people as the support provided for pvd retinal tears is poor - they patched me up and sent me home. 
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      Thank goodness there is another person out there who has symptoms that reflect mine.  My retinal doctor said the "feeling" I have of my eye is because I am honing in on it.  I greatly disagree with him.  My eye feels different and I can "feel" it, like I am aware of its presence, like it has a "thick" sense about it.  I have that same disturbing "smudge on my glasses," so much so that it has changed my quality of life.   I am told I have a normal vitreous detachment, my retina is okay, and I do not need to go back.   I'm super bummed about how the detachment has altered my eye and eysight.  

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      Hi there,

      Well my PVD was last April, and I still get that whiteish film move across my eye. I am though more used to it.  I have my regular eye test in April again.  The wird thing was last  April I went for that check up with nothing wrong and a week later the pvd happened. My eye doctor told me to expect one in my left eye possibly a year later.......geez, it may be a repeat of last year.  Still do not think this film is because of my small cataract, because it moves over my eye, and sometimes it is not there

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      I have a PVD it happened 6 weeks tomorrow. No warning, just got the Weiss ring and flashes. Then the blurry spot which moves with my vision. I had it checked, no detachment and they believe it shouldn’t cause any further issues.

      I was a bit down about it as it was such a shock and I didn’t understand it. I’ve been told my brain will adjust.

      What makes the blurriness worse or better?  I do a lot of computer work, al on my phone, iPad and I have dreadful sleep, all that would probably combined to make it worse? My specialist says nothing affects it.

      Any tips appreciated. 

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      I’m 29 and also have PVD I’m

      Having surgery/laser treatment for my eyes on the 8.06.18 on a Sunday! 😮 I am nervous but I am sure it will be ok. But I think if you have it you get it’s ya to genetics or injury. So I think mine may be genetics as my mum had terrible eyes. But I’m not entirely sure. I had black dots, all sorts of coloured dots. With flashing and webs and I thought it was just because I was tired. But I don’t know if rubbing my eyes when they itch will make it any worse or cause it to tears or detach sooner. But I hope you are in recovery since being diagnosed with it x

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      Hi Cara,

      Do you still have the flashes? I have them for 10 months, all of your symptoms and I am really scared. I have been checked 5 times now and they didn't find anything.

      How are you now?

      Thank you

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      Hi Suzana

      I'm sorry you are still having problems.

      Well, i spoke to another optician and he insists I should just try and relax.

      He says retinal detachment is roughly about 5% or less and even then they can repair it if attended to promptly.

      I wish the flashes would go though.

      It's only about a month for me, so I suppose I'd better get used to it.

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      Hi Rhonda,

      Thank you for your message. I am thinking this friday will go to moorfield for a check up in the emergency departament. I went to the opticians again on saturday and she looked at my retina and she said it's fine, but she said that if I have concerns to go to the hospital... I'll keep you updated.

      Suzana x

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