Heritage carrot and spinach salad with polenta and linseed croquettes

  • 30min
  • 2
  • 371 kcal
  • Intermediate
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Corn , Flaxseed

Per 417 g contains

371 kcal 1536 kj
24.3 g
2.7 g
9.3 g
2.8 g

of an adult's recommended intake.
Typical energy values per 100g: 368kj/89kcal

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Authored by Peer reviewed by Rose Constantine Smith
Originally published

A light summertime supper with a wonderful mix of colours and textures.

Raw spinach, with its hints of spice, is something I really love in salads. Heritage carrots add a burst of colour as well as a fresh crispness. Croquettes are traditionally deep-fried in breadcrumbs, but in this version the linseed coating of the croquettes is lightly crisped under a grill, giving a wonderfully toasty crunch without the added fat and calories of deep-frying.

I use vegetable stock in this recipe to add an extra oomph to the polenta; however, the stock cube can be omitted for a lower-salt version if preferred.


  • Polenta (or fine cornmeal)
  • Boiled water
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • Hulled linseeds
  • Fresh spinach leaves
  • 3 small heritage carrots (orange, yellow, purple)
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
    1 tbsp
  • Ground black pepper
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Cooking Method

  1. To make the croquettes: pre-heat the grill to 200°C. Dissolve the vegetable stock cube in the boiled water and place in a saucepan with the fine polenta. Bring to a gentle boil and cook for 5 minutes until the polenta mixture has a consistency similar to mashed potato.
  2. Spread the polenta mixture on to a baking tray or plate to a thickness of about 1cm. Leave to cool for around 5 minutes until the mixture is cool enough to handle.
  3. Place the linseeds in a small bowl. Using your hands, roll the cooled polenta into balls, about 1 inch in diameter, and roll the polenta balls in the linseeds to coat them.
  4. Grill the croquettes for 8 minutes, shaking once, to lightly toast the linseed coating. Set aside.
  5. Grate the heritage carrots and toss with the spinach leaves, olive oil and black pepper.
  6. Top the salad leaves with the croquettes and sprinkle over any remaining linseeds to garnish. Serve and enjoy.

Nutritional Information

Typical Valuesper 100gper 417g serving
89 kcal
368 kj
371 kcal
1536 kj
of which saturates
5.8 g
0.6 g
24.3 g
2.7 g
of which sugars
4.1 g
2.2 g
17.1 g
9.3 g
Fibre4.2 g
17.5 g
Protein2.9 g
12.1 g
Salt0.7 g
2.8 g

Spinach and carrots

Apart from being super tasty, spinach is also a fantastic way to get your greens without exacerbating the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Spinach and carrots are both non-cruciferous vegetables, making them friendlier to your digestive system than their cruciferous cousins, such as broccoli and cabbage. Spinach and carrots are also a good source of beta carotene, a nutrient which converts to vitamin A in the body where it helps support healthy eyesight.


Polenta is a delicious alternative grain for those whose IBS symptoms are worsened by wheat and rye. It's also a good source of fibre and protein.

Linseed (flaxseed)

Linseeds, also known as flaxseeds, can help reduce bloating and cramps and are a great source of soluble fibre.

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