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Full Routine Reviews

  1. Within the past 30 days
  2. Full Routine Review 12 Oct 2023

    Acute Exacerbations of COPD

    Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are defined as a sustained worsening of the patient's symptoms from his or her usual stable state.

  3. Full Routine Review 05 Oct 2023

    Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a chronic episodic illness associated with behavioural disturbances. It is characterised by episodes of mania (or hypomania) and depression.

  4. Full Routine Review 05 Oct 2023

    Löffler's Eosinophilic Endocarditis

    Löffler's eosinophilic endocarditis is a rare condition characterized by the accumulation of eosinophils (white blood cell) in the heart's endocardium.

  5. Full Routine Review 04 Oct 2023

    Diabetes Mellitus (Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment)

    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease caused by deficiency or diminished effectiveness of endogenous insulin. Read more about its causes, symptoms and treatments.

  6. Full Routine Review 04 Oct 2023

    Verteporfin and other Cytotoxics for the Eye

    Cytotoxic drugs have a role in ophthalmology units in the treatment of a few conditions including age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

  7. Full Routine Review 29 Sep 2023

    Flashes, Floaters and Haloes

    This article covers all different floaters, flashes and haloes. Discussing the floaters, flashes and haloes that are common and rare. Written by a GP.

  8. Full Routine Review 29 Sep 2023

    History Taking

    History taking of a patient can often reveal diagnosis. Learn more about the importance of History Taking during a consultation. Written by a GP.

  9. Full Routine Review 29 Sep 2023

    Diagnosing COPD

    The diagnosis of COPD is suspected on the basis of symptoms (particularly breathlessness or cough) and signs, and supported by spirometry. Written by a GP.

  10. Full Routine Review 29 Sep 2023

    Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis

    Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease characterised by impaired surfactant metabolism that leads to accumulation of an amorphous.

  11. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023


    A rigor is an episode of shaking or exaggerated shivering which can occur with a high fever. It is an extreme reflex response which occurs for various reasons. ...

  12. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023

    Abdominal Distension and Bloating

    Abdominal distension may be generalised or may be localised to a discrete mass or enlargement of an organ. The most common cause is obesity. Written by a GP.

  13. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023

    Organ Donation

    The first human transplant was a cornea harvested from a cadaver in 1905. There are three different ways of donating an organ. Written by a GP.

  14. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023

    Meyer-Betz Syndrome

    Meyer-Betz Syndrome is the syndrome of muscle pain, weakness and brown urine. Learn about Meyer-Betz Syndrome on Meyer-Betz Syndrome page.

  15. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023

    Needle Pericardiocentesis

    Pericardiocentesis is the process whereby excess fluid may be drained from the pericardial space. It can be used as a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure.

  16. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023

    Surgical Correction of Refractive Errors

    The basis of surgical correction lies in the notion that modifying the shape of the cornea or inserting an artificial lens can correct a refractive error.

  17. Full Routine Review 28 Sep 2023

    Ankle Joint Replacements

    Ankle joint replacement is an operation for hip and knee joints. Ankle Joint Replacements usually involves ankle fusion.

  18. Full Routine Review 27 Sep 2023

    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus

    Human coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause respiratory infections in humans and animals. Read more about coronaviruses. Written by a GP.

  19. Full Routine Review 27 Sep 2023

    Retinitis Pigmentosa

    Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of inherited eye disorders that primarily affect the light-sensitive cells (photoreceptors) in the retina. Written by a GP.

  20. Full Routine Review 27 Sep 2023


    Schizophrenia is the most common form of psychosis. It can either take on either a chronic form or a form with relapsing and remitting. Written by a GP.

  21. Full Routine Review 27 Sep 2023

    Elbow Joint Replacement

    Elbow joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which a damaged or arthritic elbow joint is replaced with an artificial joint. Written by a GP.

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