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  1. Macular Degeneration Conditions

    Macular Degeneration, Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause of sight impairment in those aged over 50. It causes a gradual loss of central vision, which we need ...

  2. Age-related Macular Degeneration Professional

    Age-related Macular Degeneration, Synonyms: macular degeneration (the term senile macular degeneration is now obsolete) Age-related macular degeneration (AMD, or AMRD...

  3. Macular Oedema Professional

    Macular Oedema, Macular oedema associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which may also lead to CMO. Cystoid macular oedema (CMO) [ 5 , 6 ] CMO...

  4. Macular Disorders Professional

    Macular Disorders, The most common of these in the UK is age-related macular degeneration . Other common macular conditions are macular oedema , macular...

  5. Verteporfin and other Cytotoxics for the Eye Professional

    Ocular disease (non-oncological) Age-related macular degeneration : verteporfin (Visudyne®) Action - this is a light-activated compound which selectively exerts its cytotoxic...

  6. Photodynamic Therapy Professional

    Originally used to treat certain malignancies, it is currently being used in the treatment of some forms of macular degeneration, and various skin conditions including basal cell carcinomas (...

  7. Vitreous Haemorrhage Professional

    Neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) : choroidal neovascularisation due to AMD can cause 'breakthrough' bleeding into the vitreous. , Diabetic eye disease Retinal ve...

  8. Vitreous Haemorrhage Conditions

    Conditions in which this can occur include: Diabetic eye disease (the most common cause). Macular degeneration . Retinal vein occlusion . Retinopathy with sickle cell dise...

  9. Benefits of Stopping Smoking Conditions

    A breakdown of the tissue at the back of the eye (macular degeneration). A skin condition called psoriasis . Gum disease. Tooth loss. 'Thinning' of the bones ( osteoporos...

  10. Cataracts Conditions

    Two of the most important are macular degeneration and glaucoma. Symptoms of macular degeneration Macular degeneration is also mainly associated with getting older.

  11. Charles Bonnet Syndrome Professional

    In particular, central vision loss due to macular degeneration combined with peripheral vision loss due to glaucoma may predispose to CBS, although most people with such deficits do not d...

  12. Förster-Fuchs Retinal Spot Professional

    Prolonged recovery from light stress. As in macular degeneration, therefore, central vision is affected. Signs of Förster-Fuchs retinal spot Ability to read the Snellen ch...

  13. Short-sightedness (Myopia) Conditions

    These include raised pressure in the eye (glaucoma), a detached retina, cataracts and macular degeneration. These are serious eye conditions, so regular eye checks are advisable and new or ch...

  14. Macular Holes Professional

    Macular Holes, Synonyms: macular cyst, retinal hole, retinal perforation What are macular holes? [ 1 ] A full-thickness macular hole can be defined as an anatomi...

  15. Gene Therapy Professional

    The way forward In a bid to alleviate disease at the earliest possible stage, in utero fetal gene therapy has also been tried. [ 5 ] Gene therapy has the potential to have a major role in the mana...

  16. Prevention of Falls in the Elderly Conditions

    Breakdown of the cells lining the back of the eye is known as age-related macular degeneration . It is a common cause of poor vision in older people. Sometimes an outdated prescription for g...

  17. Colour Vision Deficiency (Colour Blindness) Conditions

    Glaucoma . Macular degeneration . Alzheimer's disease . Parkinson's disease . Leukaemia . Sickle cell disease .

  18. Visual Field Defects Professional

    Central field loss results from degeneration of the fovea and occurs with: Age-related macular degeneration. Optic neuropathy. , Glaucoma Retinal detachment Visual field ...

  19. Gradual Loss of Vision Professional

    Visual impairment can have a profound impact on psychosocial well-being. [ 1 ] Although cataract is a common cause of gradual vision loss in older patients, other treatable red flag conditions ...

  20. Visual Problems (Blurred Vision) Conditions

    See the separate leaflet called Chronic Open-angle Glaucoma for more details . Macular degeneration (MD) The macula is the spot on the back of the eye where central vision is made - tha...

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