Spaced out, high, Drunk Feeling. Please help me. (5 MONTHS)

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Hi everyone.

My name is Erik. I am a 20 year old male, thin build. 6' 2'' at 170 lbs. I have had really debilitating issues for the last 5 months. The issue is that I feel drunk, spacey, loopy, high and dizzy all the time. It basically feels the same as if you were tipsy or the high feeling you can get. I also have visual disturbances. My vision has become blurry and I have somewhat tunnel vision. I just feel all around out of it. I find myself daydream, when I say this I mean my eyes don't focus on anything (go blurry) and just look at nothing. I think it might be slight double vision. Sounds are also very werid and it takes alot of energy to focus on visual and audio stimulants. Additionally, I am tired all the time. Extremely tired. Some days I will sleep very well for 10-11 hours and still be tired when I wake up and exercise will not wake me up. It is like the type of good solid sleep you have when your body is sick.. My memory has gotten really bad as well as my ability to process thoughts and engage in conversation. Imagine being drunk all the time...first I have been reading on boards like this for a long time now and have seen some people with these symptoms but no answers!! People seem to disappear. I hope hey have solved this problem but please let me know how!

Let me start by giving some background information. In August 2015 I was in an indoor rock climbing gym and fell from 15 feet straight onto my back. I could not move for a good 15 minutes because it hurt so bad. I wasn't able to do anything athletic after that day for at least a month. However, I did not have my current symptoms after this fall. 

Fast forward to December 15th 2015. I got really sick, was in bed for 4 days. Sore throat, eyes hurt like crazy, and super tired. It was during and after these 4 days that I developed a headache. This headache causes a pressure/dull/sharp pain behind my eyes, the upper bridge of my nose and right in between my eyes on my forehead. This headache lasted for about 4 months. 

At about 3 weeks into the headache I went and saw an ENT as I thought it was a sinus infection. i took multiple sets of antibiotics over the course of the next month to no avail. I got blood tests and liver test at around 2 months into the headache and nothing showed abnormal. I then was able to get into a nuerologist. They were unable to find anything after taking an MRI of my head with a barium contrast. 

Since the beginning of my headache I have been seeing a (PT) physical therapist mostly for my neck and back since after the fall my back is sore constantly. I had a neck injury about 5 years ago on a trampoline so I have a sore neck, tight muscles alot from that. 

At about 3 months into the headache (3/15/2015) I developed a new symptom, the drunk/high, dizziness, loopiness. I had the headache at the same time at this point. My PT suggested that I may have a blood vessel being pinched in my neck or a nerve being pinched in my mid back area where my rock climbing fall pain is mostly at.

I have been to 3 different chiropractors since this has occured about 5 times to each one. It has not helped so far. My PT gave me massages in my affected back and neck areas. 

Also a new thing I've noticed recently is that when I look up (bend my neck to look at the sky) I seem to get some sort of relief? Also ever since the loopy part started (this did not happen when I just had the headache) any amount of alcohol at all will make me SUPER DRUNK, literally like 2 sips. I used to be able to drink 3 full beers before getting buzzed.

I am thinking I want my doctor to give me a full head (brain/upper atlas) to lower back (tailbone) MRI so that my nerves and blood vessels going to my brain can be evaluated. Do you think this is a good idea? Has anyone had these symptoms before? I am now 5 months into this and it is debilitating. 

No doctor is taking me seriously because I am so young and the chances of having a serious problem are supposedly slim because of my age. PLEASE HELP!!! I feel like I'm caught in a dream and losing my awareness and my IQ. I am afraid something is damaging my brain and this is going to be permanent.

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    Hey, that is sad that they do not take you seriously. My nurse practitioner didn't listen to me either, she tried but I do nt think she understood. I had sintitus and was given antibiotics and a steroid, I took all my meds but the steriod due to high bp and being a diabetic, but anyways I have been doing alot of reasearch about head pressure and I found out it was due to the way I was sleeping I love pillows and I slept with five and the way I was sleeping caused pressure to my neck that felt like hell. It went from my neck to my face to my head, for weeks I didn't figure it out till last week that it was the way I was sleeping from the post of this sites and others. So for the past few days I have been sleeping with two good pillows and my neck feels so much better and my head pressure is gone. Keep doing your own research keep trying to figure out what is wrong with you, cause at times doctors try there best but we known out own bodies.
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      hi i have these synptoms. the exact same. where are you at now in your journey? ive seen cardiologists, endocronologists and allergists and a regulr doctor as well as neurology and they all write me off. I got diagnosed with POTS but I know its more than that. has anything helped?

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    Erik, I think you need to go somewhere else. Many doctors that don't see things on screen will dismiss you. I suggest researching the Internet for additional topics. Think outside the box and don't try to put all symptoms in at once. You may find something similar. I am not sure where you are located, but to find a speciality hospital versus just a regular one. You need someone on your side. Push these doctors and keep asking questions. Make sure someone is going with you to the doctors and taking notes. 

    I think you need a very good neurologist!!  


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    Hi, I have been suffering from the exact same thing for 15 months. Can I ask, do you feel worse when bending and leaning over? I myself initially wasn't very well and had eye pain, it was a few days later symptoms like yours started.

    15 months on I'm very close to getting an operation to fix me. I have a blockage within the sphenoid sinus cavity Ostia (drainage point). I've had 3 scans in the 15 months, all deemed normal. Because of this I bought them and had a look for myself. In all 3 scans there was mucus thickening at the sphenoid Ostia. Now apparently this is deemed normal as a scan the next day would more than likely show it had cleared. When I pointed this out to my 4th ENT he was very interested. It's very unusual as odds should say that on at least one scan it would show as clear. On Thursday I will see an ENT surgeon who will talk about the next step. The operation is called ballon sinoplasty. It opens up the airways within the sphenoid cavity which I think will cure me. The internet is full of people suffering from these symptoms and nobody knows the answer. Well I think I do and if this works for me it may well work for many others.

    Get back to me as I would like to chat more. I have 80 people in a group with these symptoms, I believe I'm close to finding the problem.

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      Hi new56, yes the pressure in my head gets much worse when i bend/lean over. That is why I initially thought it was a sinus issue. It gets very uncomfortable within 5 seconds. 

      I believe I had something similar on the 1 MRI I have had. There was slight thickening but I think the ENT doc said the same thing. Could you show me a picture of the area you are talking about on your MRI? And yes can you add me to this group please!

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      Did the balloon sinoplasty work? I’ve had similar results on my scans and they always say they are normal and every test they run they say looks fine.
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      my 20 year old son has been experiencing the same symptoms for 5 days now. i thought it was vertgo but the symptoms are different so am taking him to see a doctor tomorrow

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      I have been going through same thing past few months. I feel like I am out of it , loopy like if I was drugged. I know I have herniated disc in neck thinking that may be the cause. I also always have a ton of nasal drip/mucous. Then when this happens before bedtime it turns into a anxiety/panic issue. I seen a few doctors no one has even really looked into the why. I can really use any advice , just put me in the right path to go back to being me.


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      Hi New, also had these symptoms the past year and i am beginning to get concerned and it is effecting my school work as i am still at collage. Did you ever find the problem?

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      hi there -- my son is 21 and has the same symptoms We've had dozens of tests run and he has a cyst or mass in his sinuses as well did you have it removed? how are you feeling? are you better?

      i hope so!

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      Hi, I'm currently 20 years old and I experience very similar symptoms for years already, yet after a lot of medical check ups, I've been told that everything is fine with me, I guess doctors just don't really care. It started early because I was getting moments of that in the past but like for few seconds. But as it wasn't causing any more harm, I've ignored it. But in my high school it came back I suddenly started feeling dizzy, weak and nauseous one day, I have no idea what caused that. I'm 6'1 and around 180 pounds, I have no idea what could cause that, I was always maintaining healthy, active lifestyle. But this thing legit made me depressed, I simply became tired, weak, dizzy, distracted, very forgetful, get headaches very often, my eyes feel really tired and hurt almost all the time. I've lost all my motivation and enjoyment from life because I just feel terrible. I'm unable to focus on things and I constantly "zone out", forget things, I got feeling of apathy and on top of it I always have feeling like I'm about to pass out anytime. Like I was drunk, drugged and haven't slept for weeks at once. I also get depersonalization episodes everyday randomly. But I don't have stiff muscles like others. Like I said it's been like that for years and I wonder if that could be caused by the sinus infection I had in the past, I got it when I was a child and I had to take a ton of medications and antibiotics. I wonder if that's the side effect after so long time or if it wasn't really treated well. I think I got partially used to it but it still destroys my life. Now I got a question, did anything help You? I hope so! I just hope that people will find something that'll explain and make it able to easily fix it.

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      Hello, just wondering if you have had the operation yet and if it helped. I have been seeing like I'm drunk for over 8 months 24/7. I have been so many doctor and they all cant find out what's going. They just keep referring me to another one. I just want to see normal and get my life back. Nothing is spinning and I'm not dizzy. My ears have been hurting for almost about the same time but they said I don't have a infection. My nose has been stuffy for many years as well. I Don't know what else to do besides pray. I just want this to go away.

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      How are you feeling now? Any new findings? I've been dealing with this for the past 8 months and its seriously making me depressed. I don't know what happened to me but its like suddenly a switch just flipped in my brain. I used to be so active, weight training everyday, I was a personal trainer, did my undergrad in kinesiology. I had to quit my job it was affecting me so much. I feel like I'm on drugs every second of the day, like I'm just slow and have no memory of my days. I can get 8-10 hours of sleep and feel like I haven't slept at all. It is so hard to explain but everyone on this thread is describing exactly how I feel perfectly. I am seeing a Cranial-Sacral therapist soon and I will report my findings/how I feel after. Hope you're doing well, I really sympathize with anyone that is dealing with this.

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