Uncomfortable swelling sensation under right rib

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So for the past couple months or so Ive been experiencing an uncomfortable swelling sensation under my right rub or right along the right rib. I panicked and thought "oh no it's my liver" or "oh no it's my gallbladder"(my appendix has been removed) . It comes and goes and I notice it more if I bend over to lean on something or if I'm sitting down kind of bent over. Today was feeling it and decided to push on it and it went away... Kinda. Now I feel it has move down my lower belly and to the side. I'm planning on going I and seeing my doctor but am truly puzzled and slightly concerned. It's never sharp shooting pains but an uncomfortable swelling sensation.

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14 Replies

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    Do you get these symptoms after eating?   If you do, try a food diary to see if you have a food intolerance,  Have you eaten anything you would not normally eat?  Tests should show up the problem
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    I stopped drinking and eating all dairy products and it has almost disappeared.  Some chocolate and or peanut butter seems to agitate it still.    Also a facial  rash I had been getting is also clearing up.  All of this swelling  seemed to happen to me after being on some strong antibiotics? For other unrelated issues.  
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      Stephen, I have same issue when driving. Pressure under ribs front and back, nausea also. Have appt. with Dr. next week, have you pursued it or just deal with it? Starting to make me crazy. Thanks.

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      I had better luck with extreme diet change. Minimal dairy, no sugar, caffeine, avoid as much grease as possible, lots of high fiber vegetables and pretty much only water to drink. Also drank a glass of fiber drinkmix and Lemon juice and honey cleans in water every morning which helped. I also took a magnesium vitamin supplement which reduces water. Its almost completely gone but sometimes coffee or certain foods will trigger it when I stray away.If it goes away when you eliminate almost everything you can gradually introduce things back to find your triggers and avoid them.

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      Hello , I know it was long time ago but did you found out what it was? I have the same symptoms including nausea . Went to emergency room, they did CAT scan and found nothing but I still have the symptoms , and nausea after eating .

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    did you ever figure out what this was? im having the EXACT same thing. started to notice it about 2 months ago mainly when i drive because you sit kinda slouched forward...at least i do. seems more noticeable in the car. never really a pain but a dull pressure feeling like somebody inflated a balloon under my ribs.

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